Teacher Lupita is the heart and soul of La Esculita at La Palma, Tijuana Baja California Mexico. where she selflessly imparts essential education and conducts enlightening bible studies. Moreover, she goes above and beyond by ensuring that the underprivileged children residing at the landfill receive nourishment, offering them one or two meals per week. Teacher Lupita embarked on this noble mission without any assistance, driven solely by her compassion and dedication.
Over time, her unwavering commitment has yielded remarkable results. The children under her care have not only acquired the ability to read and write but have also blossomed into confident individuals. Recognizing the incredible impact she has made, in 2021, Edify Love joined forces with Teacher Lupita to further support her in her endeavors. Together, they continue to provide for the children's needs, ensuring their well-being and happiness.
In addition to their regular assistance, Teacher Lupita and Edify Live organize a joyous Christmas celebration for the children, complete with gifts that bring smiles to their faces. This annual event serves as a reminder of the love and care that surrounds them, instilling a sense of hope and belonging in their young hearts.
Teacher Lupita's unwavering dedication, coupled with the support of Edify Love, has transformed the lives of these children, offering them a brighter future filled with opportunities. Their collaborative efforts serve as a testament to the power of compassion and the profound impact it can have on the lives of those in need.

Our needs are:

  • Physical and mental well-being, continue education of each child, spiritual growth, and health.

  • $35 dollars per child will cover a months worth of meals

    50- children need sponsors

  • $250 dollars will help cover transportation for the month.

  • $5,000 dollars to purchse a car for teacher Lupita to go back and forward to La Palma

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 40:31