During this celebration, we distribute the gifts that have been sponsored to the children and adults in need. It is a joyous occasion filled with love, laughter, and gratitude.
Edify Love believes in the power of giving and the impact it can have on someone's life. By partnering with individuals, organizations, and businesses, we are able to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
Our sponsors have the opportunity to personally select a child or adult to sponsor, and they can choose to provide a specific gift or contribute to a general fund. We ensure that every sponsored individual receives a meaningful and personalized gift that brings them joy and happiness.
On the day of the celebration, our team travels to Mexico and sets up a festive event where the gifts are distributed. We create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, complete with decorations, music, and delicious food. It is a time for everyone to come together and celebrate the Christmas.
The joy on the faces of the recipients is truly heartwarming. Many of them have never received a Christmas gift before, and the impact of this simple act of kindness is immeasurable. It brings hope, happiness, and a sense of belonging to those who often feel forgotten or overlooked.
In addition to the gift distribution, we also organize various activities and games for the children to enjoy. It is a day filled with laughter, fun, and a sense of community. We believe that every child deserves to experience the magic of Christmas, regardless of their circumstances.
Edify Love is grateful for the support and generosity of our partners and friends who make this annual event possible. Together, we are able to bring joy and love to those who need it most. We look forward to continuing this tradition and making a positive impact in the lives of others for many years to come.

Our needs are:

  • Physical and mental well-being, education of each child, spiritual growth, and heath.

  • $35 dollars per child will cover a months worth of food

    51 kids are currently living at the land fill.

  • $250 dollars will help cover transportation for the month

  • $5,000 dollars to purchase a car for teacher Lupita to go back and forward to La Palma

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